Deep in the heart of Kampala city, rioters have it turning in chaos. Regal and tribal drama. Teargas and military police trying to sort things out. Sigma 6 lurks in a dark corridor in a city high-rise. Mission: Classified.
Duke: Alright men, this is what we were trained to do. Though it comes as a surprise, we are ever ready.
Captain: What's your strategy, Sir? These goons have covered all exits. This building is a death trap.
Duke: Well said, since two have lost their lives here in the past week. We shall not add to that tally.
Captain: Ok. (Shouts to soldiers) Prepare to drop in 3, 2, 1...
Troops drop from Workers House, onto the chaos beneath..All guns blazing.
Duke: Tango squad, I need you to cover my flank. Captain, take point. We're headed north to Crane Chambers. Delta and Bravo, follow Maverick for extraction of our asset in Mutaasa Kafeero. Rendezvous ETA 15 minutes. Go, go, go!!
6 minutes later...
Crusher: Captain, we're taking heavy heavy fire. Request support from Delta team.
Captain: How many casualties?
Crusher: Six, sir.
Captain: Soldier, you're being careless.
Crusher: Casualties are not ours sir. They're the opposition. Nearest hospital is 6 clicks due north.
Captain: Delta team is on its way. And for Pete's sake, use suppression darts only.
Crusher: Roger. Over and out!
Maverick: Duke, asset is not at the extraction point. I repeat, asset is not at extraction point.
Duke: For how long has she been AWOL?
maverick: We don't know, Sir. We estimate about 2 minutes. Lots of rocks here. We think she ran for cover elsewhere.
Duke: Find her!
Captain: The riot police is interfering with our mission.
Duke: Patch me through to HQ.
Patches him through...
Duke: HQ, this is Duke, commander of Tango team, Sigma 6.
HQ: What's your status?
Duke: Local riot police interference with operation.
HQ: Authorization denied, non-responsive. Evacuate immediately.
Duke: Didn't catch that last statement. Over and out.
Captain: So, proceed as planned?
Duke: Aye.
(Sigma 6, all teams, this is Commander Duke. Local law enforcement has denied us authorization for our search and rescue. Citing conflict of interest. I'm not going to lie to you, but the rioters are armed to the socks. But it will be a cold day in hell before I leave my Baroness behind.
Ditch the suppression clips. We're going in hot. Shoot hostiles on sight, don't take prisoners, and don't become one.)